I strongly recommend that you carefully read and understand the terms of use for EVERYTHING you can find here on my website.


Normally the following should be clear and quite natural but in these days it seems that you have to explain just everything to everyone [sigh]…

All content on jaguaranddragon.com is protectet under copyright law.

EVERYTHING – unless otherwise mentioned – that is published here on my website jaguaranddragon.com is MY PRIVATE PROPERTY. I own the copyright and the exploitation right for it.

It is my pleasure to invite you to enjoy reading and watching all my art and stories and everthing else that I am uploading here but please tolerate my copyrights.

Just because I let you have it for free does not mean that it is of no value or that it is public domain.

You are not allowed to use any of my work or parts of my work without my permission.

You are especially not allowed to remove the copyright credits from my work and present it somewhere else as yours or to copy my work and present it as yours.

If you want to use my work or parts of it (that means everything: Art, stories etc.) you need to ask me in the first place. I want to know for what, how and in which context you want to use it and where you want to publish it. If I am okay with it I will give you my permission. If I say no you will have to accept that.

I will not give my permission for commercial use of my work – if someone is making money out of my work then it will be me and me alone.


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Please click here for full privacy policy (German and English)

These are the most important things for now – I will update and extend these terms of use from time to time.